Thursday, September 24, 2009

Personal Laptop Usage for Grades 9-12

We will be piloting the use of personal laptops at school beginning October 8. Parental permission forms will be sent home next week. Please read over the form with your child to let them know what can and cannot be done with personal laptops at school. They will be used for writing and notetaking only. There will be no usage for the Internet or access to our server. When students return their forms, a sticker will be placed on their school ID card. They must keep the ID card with them to show authorization for the laptops. If any teacher asks students to put them up and away they should do so immediately.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Baby Warren Sawyer Judy

Congratulations to high school social sciences teacher Heather Judy, her husband Todd, and son Wyatt on the birth of little Warren Sawyer Judy. He was born at 11:30 a.m. today!! He weighed in at 7 lbs. 7 oz. and is 20 inches long. They are at St. Francis hospital.

Student ID Cards and School Pictures

School picture order forms are being sent home today and tomorrow. Orders should be returned to homeroom teachers by October 2.

Photo student ID cards are here. The student ID cards contain the lunch ID barcode. Students in K4-8 may purchase theirs from their homeroom teacher. Grades 9-12 may purchase theirs from the store area during their lunch. Cards are available for $5.00.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Girls Basketball Sign-ups on Thursday, Sept. 24

Sign-ups for Girls Varsity, Junior Varsity, B (7th/8th) and C (5th/6th) basketball teams will be held Thursday morning September 24, following morning announcements, in the cafeteria. Those girls interested will sign-up and have a brief meeting with Coach Sheryle Young and Coach Lynn Fralix.

See You at the Pole

Join us for Prayer at the Pole on Wednesday, September 23, from 8:00 a.m.-8:15 a.m. Meet on the front lawn around our flagpole.