Friday, October 11, 2013

DA McDonald's McTeacher Night October 22nd 5 - 8PM

On October 22nd from 5 - 8 pm Dorchester Academy will celebrate McTeacher's Night at the McDonald's located in St. George on Jim Bilton Blvd. During this event, a group of teachers, staff,  parents and our Headmaster, Karen Neil, will be working at McDonald's - seating customers, taking food orders and serving dinner -- while the students get a chance to hear their teacher say, "Do you want fries with that?"
A portion of the sales made that evening will go directly to our school ! This could be one of the easiest fundraisers we do this year.  To make this fundraiser a success, we need to get as many school supporters out to the Golden Arches for a McTeacher Night Dinner.  Tell your neighbors !  Bring your family and friends to support DA !

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Congratulations to Coach Stanley Gruber on Grandson !

Congratulations to Coach Gruber & family on the birth of Tanner Wilson Ruth on Wednesday, October 9th at 1:42 am. Tanner weighs 7.5 lbs 8oz and is 21 1/2 inches long.  Both Lynn and baby are doing well.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wee Poms, Junior Poms, and Raiderettes Practice

Wee Poms, Junior Poms, and Raiderettes will practice tomorrow, Wednesday, October 9th after school until 3:00.  Please make sure you are present at this practice.  They will also perform at the Pep Rally on Friday, October 11th starting at 1:00.  Be sure to wear your maroon and gold and favorite pair of cowboy boots !

Spirit Day Winners for Middle and High School

Monday:  Trevor Canaday and Kelly Kizer
                Cinnamon Forst and Kitty Mizell

Tuesday ----Safari Day

Dress in your animal prints, dress as an animal, dress as a safari guide for the Raider Safari.  Show your SPIRIT for your school !!!!!

Also we would like to remind everyone of the Poster Contest --- We need posters for Homecoming ---Please make one and turn it in to Mrs. Penny on Wednesday.  Prizes will be given!!!!!!!!!!