Friday, August 13, 2010

DA PTO Raider Shirt Sale

DA's PTO is holding a HUGE Raider apparel sale !

$5.00 for short & long sleeve t-shirts

$10.00 for sweatshirts & hoodies

$5.00 for shorts

$5.00 for DA footballs

You can contact a member of PTO or Bambi in the office.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

SAT Prep Course Change

The SAT prep course with Tim Jantzi on August 15, 22 & 29 has been cancelled. We are currently working on scheduling a prep with Power Score ( Pinewood Prep offers this same course). Information on this course will be on the DA website asap.

Varsity Football Schedule Change

SCISA has changed the game with Dillon Christian on August 27th at 7:30 pm from a home game to an away game.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dress Code Changes

Please note the new changes in DA's dress code policy.

Dress for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
The only changes for all grades are:
* No camouflage clothing (including shirts, pants, shorts, skirts, dresses, or coats) is allowed except on special dress days allowed by the administration.
* Flip-flops or shower type shoes made for beach or pool wear are not allowed for boys or girls. Bedroom shoes are also prohibited except on specially approved occasions. Muddy hunting boots should not be worn to school. Appropriate flip-flops are allowed from August through October and April through May. No thong type shoes of any kind should be worn from November through March.

* Special Dress for Wednesdays: Students are required to dress in business professional dress every Wednesday.
Lower School Wednesday Wear: No jeans, t-shirts, or flip flops of any kind are allowed.
Middle School Wednesday Wear: No jeans, shorts, t-shirts, or flip flops of any kind are allowed. Girls should wear long pants, appropriate dresses, or skirts. Boys should wear long pants with collared shirts.
High School Wednesday Wear: No jeans, shorts, t-shirts, or flip flops of any kind are allowed. Girls should wear long pants, appropriate dresses, or skirts. Boys should wear long pants with collared dress shirts and ties.

Wee Pom /Raiderette Cheerleader Practice

Wee Pom / Raiderette Cheerleader practices will be held on every Tuesday of the football season. Practice will be from 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm. The 1st practice is on August 17th.

School Work Day

Saturday August 14th from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm will be a school work day. Anyone interested in helping beautify our school is invited to attend. Please bring gardening tools and old clothes and paint brushes for painting. We really appreciate your help !

Junior High Football Sports Physicals

If you plan on playing Junior High Football you MUST have your completed school sports physical turned into the school by August 17th.