The Middle School cast of "The Old Folk's Home" won the SCISA middle school regional division's one act play competition Tuesday, January 12th. The cast competed against 8 other schools. They will compete in the state competition February 3rd at Holly Hill Academy. The cast is: Gregory Peagler, Doodle Mitchell, Hunter Kennedy, Annsley Judy, Holly Clayton, Hannah Byrd, Ashley Ammons, Cole Cleland, Effie Moorer, Taylor Marchant, Elizabeth Hartzog, Jordan Weathers with DeeDee Hartzog as director.
The High School cast of " The Campout" placed second in their competition. Cast members are:
Hannah Hill, Alli Wimberly, Grace Neil, Connor Quattlebaum with Ruthanne O'Cain director.
Congratulations to all of our young actors and thanks to their hard working directors!