Wednesday, December 18, 2013

School Holiday Hours

December 18th Students dismiss at 11:45.  Office closes at 3:30.
December 19th Students dismiss at 11:45.  Office closes at 12:00.
December 20th Students dismiss at 11:45.  Office closes at 12:30.
January 6th Teacher workday and student exam make-up day.  Office open 7:30 to 3:00.
January 7th Students return.

Congratulations to our Varsity Boy's and Varsity Girl's Basketball Teams !

Congratulations to our Varsity Boy's Basketball Team for winning the Thomas Heyward Coca Cola Classic Basketball Tournament !!! Our Varsity Girl's Team was the Runners -Up.

We also want to congratulate Julianna McAlhany, Stokes Brownlee, and Hunter Mizzell for being named to the All -Tournament Team and to Vance Collier for being named MVP of the Tournament !!  We are so proud of you !!

Keep up the good work !!! Our Varsity Boys are still undefeated with a record of 7 - 0.

Way to go Raiders !!!

B-Team Baseball / Softball Sign-Up

Mrs. Penny is asking all students interested in playing B-Team Baseball or B-Team Softball to please sign up by her office this week.  Eligible grades are 5th - 8th.

B-Team Basketball Practice

B-Team Girl's Basketball practices: 
Saturday, December 21st at 12:00
Saturday, December 28th at 2:00
Sunday, December 29th at 1:30

 B-Team Boy's Basketball practices:
 Saturday, December 21st at 2:00.
 Saturday, December 28th at 4:00
 Sunday, December 29th at 3:00

* Please make sure you have turned in a Sports Physical to Mrs. Penny.