Friday, January 22, 2010

Lost and Found

Parents and Students don't forget about our Lost And Found Basket in the office. It is overflowing with some very nice coats,etc. Monday at Chapel these items will be displayed.

Softball Practice Cancelled Friday, January 22nd

Softball practice has been cancelled today Friday, January 22nd. The next practice will be held on Monday, January 25th at 5:00 pm.

World Grits Festival Pageant

World Grits Festival Pageant will be held on March 13, 2010 at the Woodland High School Gym. Entry forms can be found in the school office.

K5 Kindergarten Breakfast

K5 Kindergarten is having a Breakfast with Parents and Grandparents on Friday, January 29th. Parents and Grandparents are invited to come from 7:45 - 8:15 am in the Kindergarten Classroom . We are calling it our; Muffins for Moms, Doughnuts for Dads and Grapes for Grandparents Day! Kindergarten will sing a song and show off " How Much They Have Grown"!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

SCISA Spring Music Festival

SCISA Spring Music Festival on March 11th, 2010.
This activity is open to all students.

K-5 Elementary,6th-8th Grades ,Middle School,9th-12th Grades High School.

Voice: Solo(Elementary, Middle and High School), Small Division,Large Division.
Keyboard: Piano Solo (Elementary, Middle and High School) , Organ Solo ( Middle, High School).
Instrumental:Solo (Elementary, Middle and High School), Small Ensemble, Large Ensemble

Please contact Mrs. Penny Fender by Tuesday, January 26th if your student would like to participate.

2010 Dorchester Academy Pageants

Miss and Mr. DA Pageant will be held Saturday, January 30, 2010 in the Shuler Gym at 7:00pm.
There will be a Spaghetti Supper offered from 5:00pm-7:00pm in the school cafeteria prior to the contests.
Rehearsal for the contest will be from 2:00-2:45.

Sunday, January 31st at 2:00pm the Wee Miss and Master DA (K4-1st grades), Little Miss and Master DA (2nd-5th grades) and Junior Miss and Mister DA (6th-8th grades) , Future Miss and Master DA ( birth to 3 years) and Photogenic (All ages)will be held in the Shuler Gym.

Entry deadlines are Monday, January 25, 2010. Entry forms can be found in the school office.

2010 Fall Sports Awards Ceremony

On Sunday, January 24th at 3:00 pm in the Shuler Gym Dorchester Academy will hold their 2010 Fall Sports Awards Ceremony.
The teams and squads being recognized are:
Wee Poms, Junior Poms, Raiderette Cheerleaders, Junior High Football Players and Cheerleaders, Varsity Football Players and Cheerleaders, Junior Varsity Football Players and Cheerleaders, Junior Varsity and Varsity Volleyball.

Math Meet Life Center Orangeburg

Eleven students from Dorchester Academy participated in the high school SCISA Math Meet held in Orangeburg on Wednesday, January 20th. They were McKenzie Ammons, Hannah Austin, Nick Chinners, Eric Creel, Emily Hardee, Rebecca Jarrett, West Mauney, Annsley Mimms, Frankie Toney, Davi Wagers and Cody Williams. Competing with their classmates in a written exam and receiving highest honors were Frankie Toney and Cody Williams.
Thank you teachers, Karen Ayers and Dianne Riley, for your help.

Congratulations to all our participants!

Monday, January 18, 2010

H1N1 Flu Vaccine Booster

DHEC will be back at DA on January 26th to give the H1N1 vaccine booster to children 10 & under. Anyone else who hasn't had the vaccine may get it at this time.

DA Students Bring Poetry To Life

On January 13th, tryouts for the Poetry Recitation Competition were held in Mrs. Jennifer Hilton's classroom. The students were given poems to memorize in advance and a local judge was brought in to see how well these students could bring poetry to life.

Two fourth graders and two fifth graders were chosen to represent Dorchester Academy at the SCISA Literary Meet to be held on Wednesday, February 3rd at Holly Hill Academy. From the fourth grade, Emma Moorer and Dylan Goshorn were picked as representatives with Maggie Steinbronn and Ryan Childers being selected as alternates. Fifth grade representatives that were chosen were Julia Smoak and Alex Canaday with Meg Garris and Jacob Reeves serving as alternates. Other participants for the competition were: Hayley Mizzell, Marion Infinger and Hillary Furtick.

Congratulations to everyone on a job well done!