Friday, September 28, 2012

DA Open House October 8

Dorchester Academy will have an Open House on October 8 after the 6:00 PTO meeting.  Parents are invited to come to their child's classrooms to meet with the teachers.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dress Down Day Wednesday, October 3rd

The Dorchester Academy service clubs will be having a dress down day on Wednesday, October 3, 2012.  The fee will be $5.00.  This means that Wednesday wear will not have to be worn and shirts will not have to be tucked in, but all other school dress code rules will apply.  All the proceeds will go to the following:

Fellowship of Christian Students:  The cost of shipping for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.  The $7.00 charge for each box includes shipping, a Bible, and a 6 week lesson plan.

Student Government:  The local Alzheimer's walk which is sponsored by a Dorchester Academy alumni, Sheri Mizell.

Interact Club:  Relay for Life

Senior Beta Club:  Soldier Project where we support Dorchester Academy graduates who are serving overseas now.

6:00 Jr. High Football Game tonight at Colleton Prep

Volunteer Baseball Coach Applications

Dorchester Academy is taking applications for volunteer coaches for the 2012 -2013 baseball season.  All interested coaches should complete the coaching application and submit it to the school office on or before Friday, October 12, 2012.  Email to or mail to Athletic Director Penny Fender, 234 Academy Road, St. George, 29477.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Senior Recognition at Friday's Game

Senior Football Players and Cheerleaders will be recognized Friday, September 28th before the start of the ballgame. Parents need to be at the field by 6:45.  We will line up on the sidelines and start announcing Seniors and their parents at 7:00. Charlie Tumbleston will be taking pictures as Seniors & Parents are announced.  Parents & Seniors will remain on the field during the Invocation and National Anthem.  Once the National Anthem is over, you may exit the field.