Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Graduation DVD's

The Maroon & Gold Staff will be videoing K4 and K5 graduations so that you can enjoy the ceremony. You may purchase a copy of the DVD by filling out an order form and returning it with your payment of $10.00 by May 10th.

Videos and photos of the Tom Thumb Wedding may also be purchased for $10.00. These will be available on Friday, April 30th.


Congratulations to Rachel Peagler for being accepted into the National Technical Honor Society from the Dorchester County Career School. Rachel, a senior at DA, whose parents are Karen & Aaron Peagler, has a brother, Gregory, who is in the 8th grade at DA.

2009 DA graduate Jesilyn Kirby and 2008 DA graduate Sloan Murray Wilds have been recognized as being in the top 5% academically among all underclassmen at USC Salkehatchie.
We are so proud of our Dorchester Academy students!

New Board Members Elected

Dorchester Academy welcomes Harvey Kizer and Richard Hart as new members of our Board of Directors. We also welcome back Scott Garris who was reelected.


Condolences from the Dorchester Academy family go out to Lynn and Candi Creel and their daughters, Lauren ( K4), Kaitlynn (3rd grade), and Hannah ( 7th grade) on the death of Candi's father, Don Pendarvis.


Congratulations to 1st grader Cassidy Gruber and her family on the birth of Boone Matthew Gruber on Saturday April 24th. Cassidy is now a big sister ! Her parents are Jennifer and Matt Gruber. Mother and baby are doing well.