Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Piano and Guitar lessons for a fee

Dorchester Academy is looking at offering piano lessons and guitar lessons for the 2010-2011 school year if there is enough interest. Selena Barfield will be at DA on Wednesdays to conduct piano lessons. The fee is $75.00 per child. Shannon Hodges will be here on Mondays to do guitar lessons. Her fee is $65.00. Sessions will be scheduled during school hours when possible. Please call and let Bambi know if you are interested in piano or guitar lessons.

MFuge Team at Dorchester Academy

MFuge a team of summer mission students from Charleston Southern is working at Dorchester Academy July 13-23, daily Tuesday through Friday from 11-2. We are so excited to have them painting and helping spruce up our campus. We would love for you to stop by, work with them, or just cheer them on. Please come show your support and thank them for their hard work.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Did you miss out on purchasing a yearbook when you graduated ? We have yearbooks available for sale for the very low price of only $10.00 . They are from the years 2000 to 2010. Check with the school's front office.