Friday, March 9, 2012

SCISA State Music Festival Winners

Congratulations to the following students who attended the SCISA State Music Festival in Columbia on Thursday, March 8th.

Dylan Price - Piano - Silver
Grace Judy - Vocal Solo - Gold
Maura Weathers - Piano - Silver
Rayce Hart - Piano - Silver
Elizabeth Hartzog - Silver
Annsley Judy - Vocal Solo - Silver

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

College Acceptances

Congratulations go out to these students on their college acceptances:
Brandon Bair - Tri-County Tech
Zoe Bartholomew - Alabama, Western Carolina, Winthrop, Clemson Bridge
Logan Bell - Tri-County Technical College
Colleen Berry - Anderson, USC Beaufort, Clemson Bridge
Elizabeth Brownlee - Greenville Tech
Josh Bucci - Coastal Carolina
Ashlyn Felkel - USC Beaufort
Grande Fender - Anderson, USC Beaufort, College of Charleston
Brenna Jackson - USC College of Pharmacy, College of Charleston
Brandi Kizer - Gupton-Jones College of Funeral Service
Kalyn Knupp - Coker College
Nick McAlhany - Coastal Carolina, Methodist College
Connor Quattlebaum - Clemson, USC
TJ Rogers - Furman, College of Charleston, USC, Citadel, Clemson
Joey Shieder - Coastal Carolina, Tri-County Tech, Campbell University
Ryan Soard - Tri-County Tech
Brianna Shuler - Greenville Tech, Tri-County Tech
Rachel Ulmer - OC Tech
Abbie West - College of Charleston, USC, Clemson
Peyton Westbury - Trident Tech
Reese Westbury - Tri-County Tech
Trelli Westbury - Midlands Tech
Chelsea Wimberly - Trident Tech

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cannons Firing Friday

On Friday, March 9th from 8:00 until 12:00 there will be a Civil War Reenactment at Dorchester Academy. There will be cannons firing at this time. Please let your friends or family know if they live on or near Academy Road.

ACT Registration Deadline

The deadline to register for the April 14th ACT given at DA is Friday, March 9th.
Register at

Monday, March 5, 2012

Tom Thumb Wedding

The Tom Thumb Wedding will be held on Sunday, March 11th at 2:00 p.m. in the Shuler Gym. Adults: $4.00 Students: $2.00 ( All proceeds will be given to the Dylan Goshorn Fund). Participants should report to the gym by 1:45 in costume.