We are in need of your help in keeping all of our students safe. Please be informed that Dorchester Academy students should go home promptly after school. The school offers After School Care through Michelle Lott for students who need to remain at school past 2:45. (Contact Michelle for this service.) Students should not roam the buildings, grounds, or gym without being under adult supervision after hours. Any students found roaming after 2:45 will be taken to After School Care at a rate of $10.00 per day. Students who are staying for sport’s practices must be supervised by coaches and/or parents. Athletes who are staying for practice should report to their practice area and remain there. Siblings of athletes should not remain at school for athletic practices unless under the supervision of After School Care or arrangements have been made with another adult/coach for supervision. Student safety is a priority here at Dorchester Academy and we need your support to help us continue to keep all our children safe.
Thank you.
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