I just had to share two things that happened today that brought such joy to my soul from our students.
1. As I was walking through the building this morning, looking at what was going on in various classes I heard singing. First, I peeked through the window not wanting to disturb the class. The entire class was standing with their hands at their sides, facing the teacher, singing about the birth of Jesus in preparation for our Christmas Chapel which will be held next Wednesday, Dec. 8, at 8:15. (You don't want to miss it!) It was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. I was never so proud of why we are here.
2. After I had been through the school this morning and completed various tasks around the building I returned to the front office to find that a student had returned my Jane Seymour diamond necklace to the office because they had found it on the floor in the hall. I just LOVE our students! Thanks to you for sending them here!
Sometimes people wonder why you sacrifice to send your child/children to an independent school. Times have changed over the years and things are different everywhere than they were when we were founded in 1966; however, one thing has not changed, an independent school has freedoms that are not afforded in other schools. As I stood in the halls of Dorchester Academy this morning, I remembered why we do without other things, so our children can attend an independent school.
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