Monday, January 18, 2010

DA Students Bring Poetry To Life

On January 13th, tryouts for the Poetry Recitation Competition were held in Mrs. Jennifer Hilton's classroom. The students were given poems to memorize in advance and a local judge was brought in to see how well these students could bring poetry to life.

Two fourth graders and two fifth graders were chosen to represent Dorchester Academy at the SCISA Literary Meet to be held on Wednesday, February 3rd at Holly Hill Academy. From the fourth grade, Emma Moorer and Dylan Goshorn were picked as representatives with Maggie Steinbronn and Ryan Childers being selected as alternates. Fifth grade representatives that were chosen were Julia Smoak and Alex Canaday with Meg Garris and Jacob Reeves serving as alternates. Other participants for the competition were: Hayley Mizzell, Marion Infinger and Hillary Furtick.

Congratulations to everyone on a job well done!